Sunday 23 April 2017

Surprisingly cold snap

So after many days of lovely weather (reaching up to 30c) it decided to snow. So cold. A few days later the spring has returned leaving little sign of the snow, it is as if this never happened.

ER Easter

Easter in the ER with my fellow Erasmus student and awesome supervisor. One of the other Erasmus students made some traditional Swiss style Easter eggs for us. They are coloured and patterned with various herb leaves(I'm the guy in the middle).

More about Easter

Easter is a really big deal here, and unlike the UK it isn't mainly the domain of children. The feeling in the run up to Easter was very much like we have with Christmas. Many people are vegetarian for a period before the celebrations and afterwards there is a big meal and most people go home to their families for this period. Iasi felt like a ghost town around Easter. However, just like the UK there are chocolate eggs!!!

Easter Eggs

Near to Easter time one of my neighbor's gave me these eggs. They are part of the Orthodox tradition, they are red to represent the blood of Jesus. At Easter people play a game where two people bash the eggs, each against the other and say something like Christ has risen. Then the eggs are eaten. These lovely eggs made a rather nice egg mayonnaise.

Neon water colour night

Walking home one night in the rain, I love the way the light reflects on the road, like neon water colours.

Botanical ramble

A few weeks ago, my fellow Erasmus students and I visited the botanical gardens. It's pretty huge and you could walk around for hours. I liked this part,it reminds me very much of my visits to Taiwan.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

This could be art

The other day, I was walking past this beautiful building, and I couldn't help but feel that this would make the perfect painting. Unfortunately, I have all the artistic talent of a toddler let loose with crayons after a few cans of red bull.

Could be a building from Fallout

Has anyone here ever played Fallout? When I saw this building I immediately had images of Nuka Cola and rad scorpions rushing through my mind. Fortunately there were no rad scorpions in sight so I managed to get the tram home safely.

Gothic beauty

Scenes of crumbling Gothic splendor are common here in Iasi, truly it touches that part of me that grew up loving gothic culture. I was chatting to a Romanian friend about this house the other day, and I suggested Dracula might live here.She assures me however, her friend used to live here and it is 100% vampire free. I couldn't help but feel a little sad at this knowledge... 

It could be some scene from a horror film...

On the night I took this picture I was walking my flatmates dog. I couldn't help but feel this looked like a scene from a film. Quite possibly the sort of film where something bad happens to you while you are walking a dog.... but fear not friends I am still alive despite my long absence from this blog.

A sandwich called Henry

A few days ago I accidentally made a face instead of a sandwich. I call him Henry.